BREAKING NEWS: The Nude Blogger Instagram account deactivated!
Yep, this happened last night…abruptly and without any warning or notice whatsoever! My Instagram account for The Nude Blogger was deactivated without even the slightest of whisperings that it was even on the cards.
This is the account I started in October 2016…the building block upon which I built my blog ‘The Nude Blogger’…the account which was abruptly, and without notice, deactivated late last night.
Nearly 10 months in, almost 43,000 followers later, and a hell of a lot of time, energy and effort…and they do this…Not one notification.
No heads up.
No specific reason and no real explanation (although I’m sure I can guess).
Well, not good enough. I wasn’t even given the opportunity to rectify or negotiate the matter before they shut the account down.
Upon logging into my account last night, this was the message I was greeted with.
I’m sure that this has, unfortunately and unjustifiably, happened to many other accounts with pure intentions, and I sympathise with them. As a blogger, it is pretty crippling. Whilst my blog is still somewhat fresh, the momentum it gained was so inspiring and motivating. My message seems to have resonated with so many people, and hopefully inspired even more. My blog is a vehicle through which I hope to raise awareness and inspire change. In trying to build something for myself and others, Instagram is one of my main sources of traffic, and it is a powerful platform I enjoyed using and working with. It is the main platform through which I encourage followers and viewers to head through to my website (and a relatively new one at that!) where the real magic awaits. As my website (and blog for that matter) is still a newborn, I was quite reliant on Instagram for getting traffic over to my website.
This is a snippet from a post on my website, most of the traffic coming from my Instagram account @thenudeblogger which has been sadly deactivated.
Honestly, I am gutted. I have built such a great relationship with my followers, and it is through their support and encouragement that I am able to do all of this. Whilst most of the relationships are virtual, they are powerful energetic bonds that are helping to shift the current paradigm. I have such a vested interest in this account because I have come to understand that, used correctly and with good intention, social media (and especially Instagram!) has the capability of spreading a message far and wide, creating a ripple effect and making a difference.
A platform used by around 700 million people worldwide… it appears to me that Instagram seem to have a crack in their communication procedures (or lack of) through which they lack the decency to inform Instagrammers about the potential deactivation of their account prior to it actually happening! Not even a specific explanation as to why, just a vague automated message.
I understand the need for guidelines and the sort, but I think Instagram may need to work on this aspect of their business, as I’m sure it’s just robots and algorithms that make these executive decisions that have potentially crippling repercussions.
As most of you know, ‘body positivity’ is a major focus of my blog, and it is a recurring message I constantly talk about and convey through photos. So yes, nudity is a norm in my blog…albeit non-pornographic and non-sexual. It is not explicit in the slightest! It is a shame that nudity is still considered offensive, especially for the reasons I talk about. I agree, we need to stop sexualising the human body…and that is exactly what my photos and messages are aimed at doing! Most of my photos are of me out in nature in my natural form. They are not supposed to be sexually suggestive, and I have stated this throughout my blog. I post nude photos, not for superficial reasons, nor to be glorified or sexualised, but with the hopes of normalising nudity and promoting body positivity and acceptance.
I believe this is where Instagram’s guidelines are blurred and should be dealt with on a case-by-case scenario. I know what sort of accounts I think should be considered offensive, but they are your everyday accounts you don’t think twice about. The ones that breed consumerism and contaminate society with a sense of self-doubt. The ones that intentionally, but subtly, warp our minds to make us believe that we are not enough, but these accounts are mainstream, socially acceptable and cater to the current dogma. Spreading the widely-accepted norm of narcissism, self-loathing and low self-esteem.
I always knew that I was going to be a David coming up against Goliath, but this just reiterates the problem I have been talking about. If my nudity is the reason for the deactivation, it is a sad reflection of how a lot of society still views the naked human form in its most natural state…but all the more reason to continue spreading the message now more than ever. With the internet and social media launching us into this sense of immediacy and instant reality, we must be the pioneers to steer it in a direction which ushers in acceptance, self love, positivity and union. I intend to carry on with the legacy of body positivity…so stay tuned. I will not give up.
As for all of you, I am blessed to have crossed your path. I am beyond grateful for all of your support and encouragement. I admire your bravery in standing up for something so much bigger than yourself, and I am thankful for your support in helping me to do the same.
The steps I followed in my initial efforts to get in contact with Instagram about the incident.
Last night, I followed these steps and was emailed an incident number by, what I believe was, an automated email from ‘The Instagram Team’. As per instructions, I sent through a photo of me holding up a sign with an incident number I was given, along with my full name and my Instagram account username. I also sent through an email to this email address. Shortly after, I sent them a message via Facebook.
I woke up this morning to absolutely nothing. So I have since pestered the ‘support’ team a little more with another email and another Facebook and Instagram message.
Following on from logging an incident with Instagram, this was the automated response I received via email. I followed the instructions and have sent through numerous emails since…and I am yet to hear anything back from Instagram whatsoever.
In saying and doing all of this, I would be so humbled if you were, by any chance, willing to help me out in trying to get my account reactivated. I don’t have much of a clue of the best way to go about this, but I intend on giving this a red hot crack, and would appreciate any of your help and support. If you’re interested in helping me out and seeing my account reactivated, please keep an eye out for my next post ‘#reactivatethenudeblogger…’
To be released tomorrow. If anything, please share this article with those around you. Share the Facebook post over on my Facebook page. Help me get the word out! It would mean the world to me.
If you have any other ideas or advice, please please please let me know and get in touch.
I have invested a lot of my time and energy into my account and am so utterly disappointed that this has happened (just as I’m about to come out with some exciting news and projects too!). I really do hope it’s just all a big misunderstanding, a bit of inconvenience and a hopefully-rectified situation as soon as possible. I hope that Instagram are willing to reactivate my account. I would be so grateful. Hopefully I’ll hear back from them soon, and I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on the situation. In the end, I can only try my best. I guess this is just another test and a way through which the Universe is communicating with me. As for today, I know where I’m supposed to be putting my energy and undivided attention…I have some exciting projects I am currently working on and excited to announce soon….
Stay tuned…
Much love,
The Nude Blogger