Women’s FEMPOWERMENT Immersion
A liberating women's gathering open to ladies of all ages, shapes, colour and size.
Women’s FEMPOWERMENT Immersion
FEMPOWERMENT is a liberating 3.5 hour naked immersion devoted to empowering females. Guiding women through an alchemical integration of yoga, intuitive movement, embodiment practices, meditation, breath work, mantras and affirmations, FEMPOWERMENT is a transformational journey and a gentle facilitation into vulnerability, self-acceptance, truth and union. An invitation to reclaim your radiance, your power, your pleasure, your worth.
In celebrating the diversity of women and the beauty of our unique feminine expression, FEMPOWERMENT is an immersion that welcomes and celebrates women of all different shapes, colour, size and age. In keeping the immersions intimate, it is a beautiful opportunity to connect with other women from all walks of life. An evening dedicated to connection, self love, exploration and authentic expression, FEMPOWERMENT is a container that is here to hold space for your surrendering, your unravelling and your emergence as a more deeply embodied woman and soul.
Journeying through the form and formless, FEMPOWERMENT is about shedding the layers, both physically and metaphysically. As we shed our clothes, we symbolically shed the burden of judgement, shame, unworthiness and the stigmatisation of whatever else may come with our individual appearance. It is a journey dedicated to helping you to address any body image woes you may have, a facilitation in helping you to let go of current dogmas, societal expectations, negative behavioural patterns and any self-limiting beliefs that are potentially keeping you in a disempowered state.
Through the practice of self-inquiry and the exploration of embodiment practices, we begin to lift the veil of illusion and enter into our deepest truth, embodying the beauty that is always, and was always, within and of us. In getting naked, we are invited into the depths of our vulnerability; a place in which we find the reclamation of grace, strength, courage and power.
Who is it for?
FEMPOWERMENT is for women looking to:
Improve or deepen their relationship with their body
Build confidence
Learn how to lead a more embodied life
Connect with like-minded women
Heal from body image issues
Explore and rediscover their nudity in a safe, supportive and respectful space
Reclaim their femininity
Experience non-sexual social nudity
Empower themselves
I truly believe any woman can benefit from attending a FEMPOWERMENT immersion.
What’s involved?
An intimate, private, candle-lit environment that provides for an ambient setting in which we feel safe, supported and held
Ceremonial welcome and energetic cleansing ritual
Sacred sharing circle
Embodiment practices and techniques to assist us in becoming more deeply connected with our bodies
Self-enquiry exercises to guide us into a deeper state of self-awareness
Positive affirmations and mantras
1 hour of naked yoga asana practice (beginner-friendly)
Closing circle
Post-immersion nibbles and refreshments (vegan-friendly)
Group photo (not compulsory)
The space.
Held in the privacy of a safe and honouring space to have you feeling supported and nurtured, I invite you to give yourself permission to surrender. Allow yourself to melt into the serenity as you step foot into the space. The ultimate ambience, created with love and intention, to invoke relaxation and calm. A complete sensorial experience; think warm heated room, candlelight, the intoxicating smells of incense and essential oils, overtones of heavenly music, flower petals scattered all across the floor…
You are invited to fully immerse all of your senses, your mind, your body, your heart, your soul.
Why naked?
In today's 'filtered age' of social media, along with the ever-changing and forever-out-of-our-reach ideals and standards thrust upon us (especially as women!), there is an enormous amount of pressure placed on body image; an over-emphasis on how we ‘should’ look. In a culture in which body-shaming has become normal, acceptable and even rampant, I believe that practicing body-positivity and self-love are more important than ever.
The naked aspect of the immersion confronts this reality as we are presented with the opportunity to show up…just as we are…without the layers, filters, masks and identity roles. With society’s overt-sexualisation and objectification of the female body, and with nudity being ignorantly interchangeable with sex, FEMPOWERMENT also gifts women the opportunity to rediscover their body and the non-sexual aspect of their nudity in a safe and supportive environment that is not sexually-charged.
The getting naked aspect of the immersion is also about identifying and breaking through our distorted and disillusioned views of our body that may be rooted in shame, unworthiness or vulgarity. When we remove the layering of our clothing, it can also be very symbolic of removing much of the emotional layering of conditioning that we have unconsciously endured, taken on and worn for most of our lives. We can choose to see getting naked as the symbolisation of removing all the expectations and fear of judgement…shedding insecurities and self-doubt as we unmask our authenticity and embody our truth.
Why naked yoga?
As a qualified yoga teacher and a practicing yogi, I have come to understand that yoga is a journey through which we learn to reconnect with our inner light of awareness. Yoga is the discipline of union; a discipline that has the ability to strengthen our mind-body-heart-soul connection. In understanding this, I have come to believe and experience it to be a beautiful modality that can help to improve our sense of body image…especially when practiced naked. When we practice yoga in the nude, we are left with just our practice and our body…as it is…bumps, lumps, rolls and all. By not covering them up and actually acknowledging them, we have a deeper capacity for radical self- acceptance.
As part of the 3.5 hour immersion, the women are guided through a beautiful 1 hour yoga asana journey that honours them and their boundaries. Tailored to be a non-intimidating and non-invasive experience, you do not need to have any prior experience with yoga to participate, as the yoga taught in the immersion is beginner-friendly and accessible to first-timers.
The women are encouraged to use their yoga practice as an opportunity to cultivate reverence for their bodies and connect more deeply with it by focusing on how it feels as opposed to how it looks. Here, we can begin to shift the way we relate to our bodies by nurturing mindful, two-way communication with our body where, not only is our body communicating with us but, we respond to its needs, desires and boundaries with tenderness and compassion…from a place of love and respect. This is foundational for healthy body image and self-love.
Our naked yoga practice is a time to worship our bodies. It is the culmination of all the work we have done thus far in the immersion. A time to anchor in, integrate and apply all that we have learnt, discovered and remembered. We learn to flow rather than force. Surrender rather than resist. Accept rather than reject. Respect rather than neglect.
What to bring?
Yoga mat
A towel to lay over your mat (essential)
A water bottle
A sarong, robe or something to wrap yourself in prior to getting naked
A light blanket to cover yourself up with for our closing meditation (optional)
A journal + pen
Bring along a friend if you can
A kind mind, an open heart and lots of love

After care.
The immersion doesn’t end when you leave the space after the 3.5 hours. Whilst FEMPOWERMENT is an immersive experience, the intention is that it may also act as a catalyst that inspires us to continue to integrate and implement all that we learn in the immersion into our daily lives. Applying all that wisdom in a practical and functional way that enhances and elevates our day-to-day existence.
FEMPOWERMENT is just as much about embodiment as is it the experience; and so after care and integration are just as important as the immersion itself. We must remember that, if we are looking to become more deeply embodied, the journey continues long after the immersion.
Upon the conclusion of the immersion, the women are provided with nourishing and practical advice for after care. They are also sent a follow-up email the following day with tips and recommendations for self-care and integration. True empowerment comes with integrating the wisdom we acquire into our everyday actions; and true embodiment comes with the implementation and application of these actions in a way in which we are aligned with, and continue to expand from, our individual and highest truth.
Women who attend FEMPOWERMENT also have the option to join a private Facebook group consisting of only other women who have also attended a FEMPOWERMENT immersion. This beautiful community is a place where the women can continue to share about their journey and receive ongoing support from the sisterhood we are creating through these FEMPOWERMENT immersions.

Flow with me.
Reclaim your radiance and power as we enter into a realm of vulnerability, a portal of rediscovery and remembering; exploring embodiment techniques, echoing mantras and affirmations, moving through yummy stretches, worshipping our body and sitting in sacred circle with our Sisters. You are invited back into the beauty of your individual authenticity. Blossom into the highest expression of your truth as you emerge a more embodied and empowered version of yourself.
We manifest the reality we exist in, and we are capable of creating an abundant reality in which we can thrive. No matter where you're at on your journey of self-love and body positivity, these workshops are bound to have you feeling liberated, empowered, connected, nourished and revitalised. So I invite you to come along and join me and a supportive group of women for a transformative and magical 3.5 hour journey as we flow into freedom and liberation.
Join a workshop.
Find an upcoming immersion in your city. Shed the layers for an evening of transformation, liberation and empowerment.
Kind words.
Here are just some of the benefits…
Cultivate reverence and respect for your body by connecting more deeply to it
Improve confidence and body image
Exposure to a diversity of body shapes and sizes - this is healthy and is a realistic depiction of body image and a much-needed reality check given everything we’re bombarded with on social media these days
Create inner union by learning how to develop two-way communication with your body where you are able to respond with love and tenderness
Learn practical yet transformational embodiment practices that can help you to lead a more embodied and empowered life
Connect with women and become part of a growing and abundant Sisterhood
Identify and learn to release disempowering and self-sabotaging behavioural patterns
Learn how to implement more self care into your everyday life in a practical way
Experience the liberation of non-sexual nudity in a social setting that is respectful and supportive
Practice yoga and experience the benefits with an experienced and certified teacher
Experience all of this in a safe and ambient space
+ Do I have to get naked?
In short, yes.
Please note that it is a gentle facilitation and you’re able to do so at your own pace, but it is a naked yoga workshop focused on body positivity that you’re attending after all. You can be reassured that the immersion is hosted in the privacy of a safe, nurturing and honouring environment in which many of the other females may also be feeling just as nervous about getting naked as you are. Some women bring along a friend to help them feel a little more comfortable, so this may be something you might also consider.
What progress would we make in life if we didn’t challenge ourselves and push the boundaries a little? Remember, so much growth and transformation happens when we get outside of our comfort zone. We’re here to support one another, and I will be sure to create a space in which only love, acceptance and respect are harboured.
+ What if I have my period?
That’s ok.
You are supported and respected. We’re all females in the workshop and are aware of what comes with being a female. You may choose to either keep a tampon/moon cup in, or wear underwear if you wear a pad or period underwear. Either way, it is advised and essential that all participants bring a towel for hygiene purposes anyhow, so just remember to bring a towel (you might like to opt for a darker towel if you’re concerned about leakage and want to opt for discretion).
I have taught a number of naked yoga classes and workshops on my period, and I have also had numerous women attend whilst they are menstruating. I am all about embracing, celebrating and normalising our menstruation and believe it to be such a beautiful time of the month, so I would definitely still encourage you to come along.
+ What if I’ve never been naked in public before?
Well let this be a first!
It is such a perfect environment for it. The workshops are hosted in the evening, so it will be a candle-lit experience, providing for an ambient atmosphere that holds a sense of relaxation and serenity. It is a non-confrontational and non-sexual environment in which you will be surrounded by other females who may be in the same boat and experiencing similar emotions. It is completely normal to experience fear, nervousness and anxiety in the lead-up to attending, and this is all a part of the journey. Acknowledge your emotions, process them and let them go.
Being naked in front of others for the first time is always a little nerve-racking. Once you remove the layers, it’ll begin to feel second-nature and you should begin to feel a little more comfortable as time goes on. One of the most common things the women express to me is how quickly they forget they are actually naked! You may not even want to put your clothes back on once we’re done!
+ When do I get naked?
You’re more than welcome to undress as soon as you come in! Or, if you’re feeling a little nervous, you’re welcome to keep your robe on for the introduction and take it off when you’re ready.
+ Can I participate even if I have not done yoga previously?
Most definitely!
it is a gentle practice that is tailored to be non-intimidating and non-invasive. We all have to start somewhere, and whilst it is a 3.5 hour workshop, only 1 hour of it will be dedicated to our yoga practice. The yoga offered will be accessible to first-timers and beginners, whilst still suitable for more experienced yogis (as I offer modifications and variations throughout the practice).
The sequences that I tailor specifically for the workshops are more so a tool for allowing us the opportunity to cultivate deep reverence and respect for our body as we move through our practice; an essential aspect of our body-positive journey.
+ Is it 3.5 hours of yoga?
We only do 1 hour of yoga in the 3.5 hour workshop. Yoga is only one aspect of the immersive experience that FEMPOWERMENT is. We also dedicate time to other practices such as meditation, intuitive movement, breath work and so on.
+ What if I lack confidence?
That’s ok.
I guarantee you’re not alone here, and won’t be the only one feeling this way in the immersion. Many women attend because they are looking to improve their confidence. Remember, it takes courage to turn up, not confidence. I always say, ’start with courage and the confidence will follow’.
+ What are embodiment practices?
Embodiment practices are methods intended to help you to reconnect more deeply with yourself by using the unique sensations of your individual body as a tool to develop awareness, to feel whole, find balance and to experience a deeper sense of personal freedom.
In consciously connecting with and unifying various aspects of our being, embodiment practices assist us in developing our intuition as we become more attuned to the subtleties of our body. In doing so, they also foster self-love and encourage us to make more empowering choices for our personal growth and evolution.
As we tune in to how our bodies feel, embodiment practices usually encourage us to move out of our head and into our bodies. In doing so, we begin to learn that we are not defined by our thoughts and that our bodies are constantly communicating with us, and so we have the capacity to consciously communicate with our bodies and respond with tenderness.
Some examples of embodiment practices I have included in previous FEMPOWERMENT workshops are: intuitive movement, dance, self massage, conscious touch. These usually vary from workshop to workshop.
+ What if I already feel confident in my body? Can I still benefit from attending?
FEMPOWERMENT encompasses so many empowering facets that have the capacity to enhance various other aspects of our lives. This could be anything from connecting with other women and healing sisterhood wounds, learning practical tools and techniques to assist us in leading a more abundant and deeply embodied life, experiencing non-sexual nudity in a social setting that is safe and supportive….and so, so much more!
+ Any other questions..?
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to connect with me at jessa@thenudeblogger.com
Immerse yourself in the sounds of a FEMPOWERMENT immersion from your very own home with my FEMPOWERMENT playlist. Add some serenity to your daily experience, your rituals and your practices, by listening to the overtones of this heavenly playlist I have personally curated.
“You’re under no obligation to be who people think you are. Change, grow, rearrange yourself. Free and beautiful things always blossom and spark with no holding back.”
— Charlotte Eriksson