Mixed Naked Yoga
A liberating evening of wholesome naked yoga for men and women.
My mixed naked yoga classes are a 1.5 hour nourishing experience where men and women gather for an ambient evening of wholesome naked yoga.
I have been teaching mixed naked yoga classes since 2017. In this time, I have been honoured to have guided hundreds of nude yogis through their yoga practice.
The beautiful thing about my naked yoga offerings is that they are representative of diversity and are welcoming and inclusive of first time nudies, first time yogis, seasoned nudies, seasoned yogis, and a combination of all of these! So, rest assured, wherever you fall on this spectrum…my classes are totally accessible and cater to this array of diversity.
I find so much joy and fulfilment in teaching my mixed gender naked yoga classes. I feel privileged to stand at the front of the class, stark naked, leading my students through their practice. Witnessing radical transformations in many who step foot through the studio doors. Helping people to feel more comfortable and confident in the skin they’re in…helping them to lead a more liberated and empowered life.

My classes are pioneering a lasting legacy as us nude yogis are paving the way for a more body-positive culture and leading the charge on the advocacy of improved body image and the normalisation of non-sexual nudity.
What’s involved?
Generally, these blissful 1.5 hour classes are held in the evenings.
Arrive at a luxurious and ambient space - I encourage students to arrive 10 minutes prior to the class to find your spot in the class, to dress down and to breathe (yes, you arrive clothed).
1 hour yoga/asana practice - classes are beginner-friendly and vary from vinyasa, to restorative, to hatha, to yin; I like to change it up.
30 minute social circle - I invite students to stay on and sit around and chat over some tea, kombucha and light refreshments (vegan friendly) - and yes, we stay nude for this. This part of the experience is a highlight for many participants as this is a really great opportunity to converse and connect with like-minded people.
Photo opportunity (totally optional of course!).
Depart feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, connected and nourished!
*With the intention of facilitating ongoing connection and creating a community of like-minded nudies for my nude yogis, I have created a private Facebook group for all of my nude yogis where they can stay connected, keep up-to-date with all of my upcoming classes, other nudist-friendly events and post anything yoga and nudist/naturist-related. As well as that, we also have a private chat group to make communication and connection easy and accessible.
New to social nudity? Never done yoga before?
I have newbies in every class I teach. For many of the fresh faces who continue to walk through the doors into my class, they are experiencing a first for themselves. For some, it may be their first time experiencing social nudity. For others, their first time practicing yoga. So whilst many participants have become seasoned regulars who now frequent my classes, many of them also started off having never stepped foot into a yoga studio previously! For some of them, my naked yoga class was their stepping stone into social nudity…and for a few of the bold ones, my class was their first ever yoga class and social nudity experience…at the same time!
So as you can see, my mixed naked yoga classes are a beautiful combination of regulars, beginners and fresh faces…and so they are inclusive and accommodating for people at all different stages of their yoga journey, their body image journey, their nudist journey.
If you’re new to social nudity, these classes are the perfect way to get involved and experience it in a safe, non-judgemental and relaxing space. With myself and the friendly regulars in attendance, there is an ever-present sense of community and support…and this only continues to grow. Many of us will remember what our first time socialising nude was like. Some of us may also remember stepping foot into a yoga class for the first time…it can be intimidating! Remember, you’re not alone and we’ve all been in that boat…so we’ve got you! We all have to start somewhere, right? And that’s just what many of my students have done; taken the first step. A little bit of courage is all it takes to get started.
The Space.
I love creating a sacred space in which we can bare it all and practice. My classes have become recognised for the beautiful and enchanting spaces in which they’re held. In ensuring privacy and discretion, it is a safe container in which we have the support to let go and surrender.
I set up the space with love and intention so that there is an instant sense of relaxation upon arrival. I go above and beyond to create an ambient atmosphere that invokes feelings of serenity, relaxation, warmth and love. Think candlelight, incense, heavily overtones of ambient music and feeling the warmth of the heaters meet you as you step into the space…
My intention is to have the space nurture and melt away any nerves, anxiety or fear that you may be experiencing. I understand the vulnerability involved in such an experience, and so I host the majority of my classes in the evening in candlelight.
In acknowledging the nerves, anxiety and fear that some may experience, creating a beautiful and relaxing space that respects and nurtures this part of the journey can make all the difference for a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
What to bring?
Yourself, an open mind and a positive attitude
Clothes to arrive and leave in (there is a secure room in which you can remove your clothes and store your belongings)
Your own yoga mat (essential)
A towel (essential)
A bottle of water if you wish
As my reputable and renowned classes continue to grow and thrive, my love for teaching these classes also continues to expand as I guide a combination of avid nude yoga enthusiasts, first time nudies and first time yogis through 1.5 hours of wholesome and blissful naked yoga.
My naked yoga classes offer students an opportunity to discover more of a wholesome practice that they can then transfer and integrate into any which part of their clothed lives…on and off the mat!
As I stand up there at the front of the class completely naked in a room full of people, my vulnerability gives me strength to stand up there in all kinds of poses with confidence and a very real sense of self-acceptance. I feel honoured rather than sexualised. Respected rather than objectified.

Diversity and inclusivity are two foundational pillars upon which these classes are built. My classes are representative of all different shapes, size, age, colour, gender and professions.
Safety first.
My intention is to create a safe space which harbours respect, trust, safety and inclusion. I take very seriously the fact that many are entrusting me with their security, safety and privacy and I do my absolute best to make sure that nothing or nobody potentially compromises this.
In saying this, I have a zero-tolerance policy…meaning any misconduct, inappropriate behaviour or remarks that make any participants, including myself, feel uncomfortable, will result in you being asked to leave the class immediately. You will also be banned from attending any of my future events. Given the sensitive nature of such an offering, my attendees’ safety and security is my priority.
My mixed classes are private and require a verification process for this very reason. I work closely with the ‘Young Nudists of Australia’ to ensure that participants and potentials are verified prior to being able to book a spot in my class. I intend to uphold the utmost integrity in what I do to keep my classes a respectful, respectable, safe and sacred space.

Join us on the mat.
Maybe you are working on self-acceptance. Or perhaps you want to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin? Maybe you enjoy practicing yoga without your shirt covering your face in downward dog? Or maybe you simply enjoy being naked. Well, the men and women who attend these classes are testament to the fact that people can enjoy non-sexual nudity and, even better, benefit from it.
Radical self-acceptance can be contagious. It is, in the least, inspiring…and I hope to be able to pass this on to my students. To inspire this through my actions and my Being. To inspire students and onlookers alike to manifest a world in which nudity is no longer shamed, judged, profane or vulgar; but rather normalised, accepted, celebrated and embraced.
So whilst many walk in as first-time yogis, I am humbled that many now continue to practice regularly with me as their teacher… and I hope that one day you, too, can join us on the mat.
Join a class.
Find a class in your city and join us for an ambient and liberating evening of naked yoga and good company!
The benefits…
+ Inspire a more body-positive culture
I love being able to guide people inward as we simultaneously shed the outer layers. The real beauty in much of this for me is the humbling opportunity many entrust in me to either introduce them to social nudity, guide them through their first ever yoga class…or even both for those who are really bold!
I am grateful to be given the opportunity to introduce people to social nudity and, further, help them to integrate more of it into their lives. Social nudity helps to improve our sense of body image as we are exposed to real bodies of all different shapes, sizes, colour and ages. We are given a reality check…not some billboard version of the human body. Practicing yoga in the nude and seeing yourself in all different shapes and angles allows you to familiarise yourself with your individual body and, thus, allows you to learn to better appreciate your unique body. In turn, this encourages the cultivation of gratitude for all the beautiful ways in which your body works.
In also surrounding ourselves with people who value body-positivity and celebrate the diversity of the human body, we are naturally more inclined and inspired to foster more self-acceptance and, ultimately, we begin to improve our own body image.
+ Improve body image by helping to foster healthier relationships between people and their bodies
In focusing on how our body feels as opposed to how it looks, I invite my nude yogis to use our yoga practice as an opportunity to connect more deeply with their bodies.
Our bodies are constantly communicating with us…signalling what feels good and what doesn’t…expressing what it desires and what it doesn’t. The problem is, most of the time, we either ignore its cues, misinterpret the signals, or we were just never taught how to respond from a place of compassion. My naked yoga classes are a beautiful opportunity for students to develop mindful two-way communication with their body where, not only is the body communicating with us but, we respond to its needs with tenderness and compassion…from a place of love. This is foundational for healthy body image and self-love.
As we learn to create space for growth and expansion within our individual body, we acknowledge the body’s capabilities and limitations. In doing so, we learn to honour and respect its boundaries. Knowing when and when not to push. Learning to flow rather than force. Knowing when to rest and surrender. In learning to compassionately respond rather than mindlessly react, this awareness and connection helps us to develop a more in-tune and healthy relationship with our bodies as we attune to all the beautiful subtleties of our own individual body. So, every bodies’ yoga practice looks and feels different…and that is the beauty of diversity and an authentic practice.
In learning to honour this and cultivate the above, we are blessed with the gift of developing deep reverence for our body and its journey, thus fostering a healthier relationship with our body and improving our sense of body image.
+ Desexualise the human body by facilitating classes that promote & hold space for the normalisation of non-sexual nudity
You’ve heard of the saying ‘sex sells’, right? Whether through pornography, Hollywood, the media or advertising, our institutions have overly-sexualised the human body by objectifying and commodifying it. My intention is to inspire a more body-positive culture where there is discernment between nudity and sex. For too long now, nudity has been shamed, judged and overly-identified with profanity and indecency. Nudity has lost its state of innocence and purity as it has become almost interchangeable with sex throughout much of society. Well, my naked yoga classes are here to change that and prove that non-sexual social nudity is possible, and that nudity does not equal sex!
My mixed gender classes help people to more tangibly grasp the concept of non-sexual nudity by giving them the opportunity to experience social nudity in an environment that is not sexually-charged; where the nudity involved is not sexually-motivated. My classes are a gentle reminder about just how natural nudity truly is. This is why I share about my classes so publicly through my blog. I want for everybody to be able to have the opportunity to understand this concept so that they, too, can become more informed on the topic and potentially integrate more social nudity into their lives…essentially paving the way for a more body-positive lifestyle. I believe that by sharing about these classes, we open up the much-needed discussion about nudity and give people the opportunity to shift their perspective and empower themselves for the better.
+ Educate the general public about the benefits of non-sexual social nudity through awareness
Ultimately, I share about these classes to inspire body-positivity…to motivate people to accept themselves more wholly. To encourage self-love over self-criticism. To challenge the current dogma and societal ideals that keep people feeling so insecure and ashamed. To show the world real bodies…lumps, bumps, rolls and all. To break down the expectations of an ‘ideal’ body…and to break through the barriers of the shame and judgement associated with nudity.
I hope to make non-sexual nudity an embodied experience where what was once only a mere concept is given life.
+ Create community and a support network
My classes also help people to connect with other like-minded people who are looking to delve deeper into the exploration of yoga, nudism, social nudity, self-acceptance and an infinite array of potential. Many come along to my class alone and leave feeling a part of a community. Coming together as strangers and leaving as friends. It truly is so beautiful to witness this in action. It brings me so much joy to create a support network for those who may be looking for it.
+ Benefits of yoga
- Helps to improve strength and flexibility of the body
- Tap into a higher source of awareness
- Increases our ability to transcend the noise of the mind
- Better equipped to attain inner-peace and calmness
- Sharpens mental focus
- Teaches us important values such as compassion
- Cultivate gratitude
+ Do I have to get naked?
In short, yes.
This is a naked yoga class and so it is expected that participants practice in the nude. If you’re feeling a little nervous about getting nude, you’re more than likely not the only one.
It may help to know that the classes are generally held in the evenings by candlelight…and so it creates for a relaxing and ambient atmosphere that evokes feelings of warmth and serenity.
+ What if I have my period?
In this case, you may wish to keep a tampon/moon cup in, otherwise you may opt to keep your underwear on if you wear a pad or would just like that little bit of extra support.
I have taught numerous classes whilst bleeding. I usually just wear a tampon. If it is the first day of my bleed or it is feeling a little heavier, I will opt to keep my underwear on. I also address this at the beginning of the class as I absolutely advocate for normalising menstruation and openly discussing it with men and women. We all either bleed once a month or have someone close to us in our lives that does, so I take it as an opportunity for open discussion.
Students in the class are always very open, receptive and respectful.
+ When do I get undressed?
I ask that students arrive 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the class to find their spot in the class and dress down. That way, by the time the class is scheduled to start, we’re all seated on our mats, naked and ready to begin our yoga practice.
There is usually a seperate and secure room where students can leave their clothing and the rest of their belongings. So yes, in case you were wondering, you do arrive clothed and proceed to undress shortly after arrival.
+ Is it hygienic?
I require that students bring a couple of towels with them to lay over the top of their mat for any time that we do groundwork. This is all carefully cued throughout the class, so you are well-instructed. Any props we potentially use are also covered with the other towel where necessary. Nudist etiquette 101 is practiced throughout the evening. A towel goes with you wherever you choose to sit!
+ What do I bring to a naked yoga class?
Yoga mat (essential)
Towel (essential)
A water bottle
Clothes to arrive and leave in
A kind mind, an open heart and a positive attitude!
+ How many people are in a class?
I usually like to cap my classes at 18 people (depending on the size of the space).
I like to keep my classes to a manageable size so that I’m able to assist individuals where necessary.
+ What gender ratio can I expect?
Generally, the classes have been a 70:30 male to female ratio, but recently those numbers have been closer to 50:50.
At this stage, the reality is that most mixed gender nudist events are male-dominated, BUT! That is changing. It’s encouraging and inspiring to see that more and more women are attending my mixed events. My aim is to encourage more and more females to attend my mixed events to get them to a 50:50 ratio on a consistent basis.
+ Can I participate if I have never practiced social nudity before?
Of course!
Let this be a first for you, like it has been for so many of my courageous students who have stepped foot through the door into their first ever social nudity experience...many of whom now attend regularly and integrate social nudity into much of their lives outside of the studio. My classes are the perfect place to dip your toe in as it is a safe, non-judgemental and relaxing environment.
+ Is there an age limit?
My events are 18+ with no age limit thereafter.
+ I’m nervous…Is that normal?
Hell yes!
Totally normal…and I guarantee you’re not the only one feeling this way. I always encourage participants to acknowledge these emotions of anxiety, fear and whatever else they’re presented with, process them and let them go. Breathe through it. Do not judge yourself for having these feelings; be even kinder to yourself during the process. But remember, you are not your emotions and nor do you need to be defined or limited by them.
So whilst it can feel a little overwhelming at the time, I would still encourage you to come along and compassionately work through the resistance. This process, in itself, is invaluable. The nervousness you may be experiencing can be a great indicator as to where there is resistance. Learn to go inward and understand why there is resistance. Remember that doing things that challenges us helps us to grow and evolve.
+ What if I have never done yoga previously?
That’s ok…You won’t be the only one.
The yoga we practice is accessible to first-time yogis and is very beginner-friendly. I have many first-time yogis come along to my class, and the majority of my students are beginners…so the classes cater to this.
Many of my now-regular students had never stepped foot into a yoga studio previously…so don’t worry. We all have to start somewhere, and my classes are the perfect place for it.
+ I’m not flexible though…
And that is totally ok!
Yoga is not a flexibility contest, nor is it even necessarily about flexibility. Sure, one of the benefits of a consistent practice is the improvement of flexibility, but it is not the goal of yoga and you definitely do not need to be flexible to start practicing.
Yoga is the path of union. Union of the body, mind, Heart and Soul.
FUN FACT: In ancient times, asanas (poses) were created with the intention of enhancing the body and mind’s capacity to sit in meditation for an extended period of time; the end goal being self-realisation through this meditation. Essentially, we are preparing the body for meditation, and our asana practice can become a meditation sufficient in and of itself.
So the Instagram version of yoga that many of us are exposed to nowadays is not completely representative of what yoga actually is…what you’re seeing, most of the time, are merely asanas, which are the physical postures we practice…but which are also only one aspect of yoga! Most of the time, the Instagram version of yoga you’re seeing is some pose that has been posted to ‘wow’ people because of the level of difficulty in flexibility, strength, balance and so on…but, more often than not, you wouldn’t be practicing these poses in your everyday yoga class.
If you’re wanting to understand the practice of yoga more, I would suggest coming along and experiencing a class for yourself. That may be the best way to grasp all of this.
+ I have a pre-existing injury…can I still participate?
First and foremost, I recommend seeking professional medical advice and if it’s a green light and you know it’s safe…then yes, come along!
Just remember that you know your own body better than anyone else, and so it is your responsibility to understand its limitations and respect its boundaries. Unless you are an experienced yogi and are already practicing with your current injury (and hence understand your limitations and variations), I would ask that you consult with me prior to booking so that we can gage whether or not the desired class will be a good fit for your condition.
In saying all of this, regardless, it is always best to advise your teacher of any pre-existing injuries prior to the class… As a teacher, a part of my duty is to facilitate the class in a way that minimises risk and injury for students…so it is always important to listen for the cues. Just as important is that you give yourself permission to sit out if something doesn’t feel right for you. Yoga is about ‘union’, and so this also means connecting with your body and having the discipline and confidence to sit out if that’s what would serve you best and benefit you most. At the end of the day, it is your practice, so it is going to look different to the person’s next to you…and that is OK! We do not come to yoga to compete or impress. Sitting out of a pose because it doesn’t feel good at the time or you know may compromise an existing injury isn’t weakness or failure…it’s wisdom and respect.
Otherwise, yoga is a great practice for many physical injuries and mental challenges. It is a beautiful restorative practice and the benefits are infinite.
+ Are the classes the same every time?
The classes I offer vary. I like to have variety in what I teach, especially now that I have regular students in attendance. I like to tailor sequences for each class I teach. It keeps the classes fun, enlightening and diverse.
I offer classes varying from vinyasa to yin to restorative..sometimes with different themes…and this will only continue to expand. So, take your pick!
+ Will I be touched?
No…not without consent.
As a yoga teacher, it is also a part of my duty to ensure that I am facilitating a practice for my students that minimises their risk of injury or damage.
If I can see you need some assistance or an adjustment (to potentially avoid risk of injury or damage), I will get consent beforehand. Otherwise I usually just make my way over to your mat and quietly instruct any corrections/adjustments you might need to make. I completely respect your personal space and boundaries.
+ Do you offer adjustments?
Only if I have your consent and it is necessary, otherwise (as previously stated), I may just come over to your mat and quietly instruct some recommended corrections/adjustments you could make to uphold integrity in the pose.
+ Is there anything sexual involved?
My classes are strictly non-sexual in nature. My events are not sexually-charged, nor is there a sexual motive behind anything that we do. My mission is to help normalise non-sexual nudity, and so we embody this in my classes and throughout the practice.
+ What do you mean by ‘non-sexual nudity’?
This comes down to context, discernment and intention.
When I say ‘non-sexual’ nudity, I am referring to the fact that the intention for the space and gathering is one which is not sexually-charged…meaning there is no sexual motive.
It is a space that is created with the intention of allowing people the safety and security to experience and rediscover their own nudity separate from sex and away from a sexualised gaze…understanding and respecting that other participants, too, are here for the same reason and with the same intent. This, in turn, creates safety and security. It sets the tone so that we’re all on the same page.
*I am not shaming sex or sexuality…if anything, I am all about sexual empowerment too…but, there is a time and place for everything. There is significance in learning to separate the two (nudity and sex)…and with nudity already being such a sensitive topic around which it already has such blurred lines…context is key…and discernment is everything.
+ Do I have to have a good body to participate?
In my opinion, there is no such thing as a ‘good’ body. Every body type, shape, colour, ethnicity, age is welcome. You do not have to have a certain body type to participate.
My classes are a great representation of a diversity of real bodies. So whilst there is the image that the media pushes as a ‘good body’, you do not need to fit this mould to attend one of my classes. We’re here to stand up against this agenda that the media pushes to capitalise on peoples’ insecurities and vulnerabilities. We’re here to celebrate the diversity of the human form. These classes are here to help people to love the skin they’re in.
+ What if I lack body confidence?
You do not have to be confident to attend.
If you struggle with body confidence, hopefully my classes will help to improve this by assisting you to become more comfortable in the skin you’re in and by exposing you to a variety of real bodies…of all different shapes and sizes. All you need is a little courage and the confidence will follow.
The more time we spend naked, especially in a social setting, the more opportunity we give ourselves to work through whatever it is that is potentially hindering us from feeling confident. I find that being naked and being in your vulnerability helps you to more easily unmask what it is that is stopping you from feeling confident. The more layers we have on, the more digging we have to do. Baring it all cuts out a lot of the noise.
+ What is the rule with pubic hair?
There are no rules around it.
Pubic hair is completely personal. If you like full bush, great. If you like clean-shaven, fine too. Just go with whatever you’re comfortable with. There is an absolute diversity amongst preference when it comes down to pubic hair choice. That’s the great thing about social nudity, you’re exposed to DIVERSITY…and it’s incredibly empowering.
+ I’m worried about the size of my penis…
This is one of the most prominent male complexes when it comes to body image.
This is a concern many males express to me, so I can assure you that you are not alone in worrying about this. In fact, it’s far more common than you may realise… Sadly, up to 45% of men are unsatisfied with the size of their penis…so, as you can see, you are not alone.
Penises come in all different shapes and sizes and no one is better than the other, despite what you may have been conditioned to believe.
A lifetime of conditioning, watching porn, school yard and change room banter, advertising, sexual myths and so on have seemingly given many males a complex around the size of their penis; believing that the size of their penis is a direct reflection of their manhood, masculinity, virility or, unfortunately, a lack thereof. Anyone who has watched porn can probably agree that most male pornstars have bigger-than-average size penises…but these actors are selected for their extremely large penises and they would place in the very upper percentile on this scale. Sadly, though, this has attributed to many men believing that a bigger penis is more sexually satisfying and desirable…thus men worrying about whether or not they are ‘adequate’ enough.
BUT!!! I want to make this clear… The size of your penis is most definitely not an indication of your sexual adequacy, nor your masculinity or virility. Every penis should be honoured…no matter its size, shape or appearance.
This is the beauty of non-sexual social nudity…being in a safe and non-judgemental space where we are surrounded by other naked men who have varying penis sizes and shapes. We are exposed to real bodies and a diversity of penises. I’ve had countless men express to me how insecure they used to be about their penis size, until they started experiencing social nudity and really understanding that penises come in all sorts of sizes and shapes…and that no one really cares as much as you might think!!!
Whilst many males slightly underestimate their penis size compared with actual measurements, many men also seem to have a very distorted picture of what size other men are, and what they believe they ‘should’ be, hence the reason that social nudity can be such a refreshing reality check.
The average size of a flaccid penis is 3.6 inches (9.2 cm) long with corresponding average girth at 3.7 inches (9.3 cm)
The average size of an erect penis is 5.1 inches (13.1 cm) long with corresponding average girth at 4.6 inches 11.7 cm (11.7 cm)
…and then some of us may be familiar with ‘growers and showers’? If not, here’s a little info on the topic…
Studies have shown that shorter penises increase more in length than longer ones when they become erect. Research based on the penis measurements of 2,770 men found that shorter penises increased by 86% when erect, nearly twice that of longer penises (47%).
In a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, researchers also found that the difference in length between a short penis and a longer one was a lot less obvious when erect than when flaccid. For example, the flaccid penises varied in length by 3.1cm (1.2 inches), whereas the average erect lengths differed by only 1.7cm (0.7 inches).
Research confirms that the size of a flaccid penis is not necessarily a good predictor of the size it reaches when erect. So, some men are growers…meaning that their penis grows much longer when going from being flaccid to being erect. And others are showers…meaning that the penis doesn’t show any major change in size when going from flaccid to erect.
Here are a couple of scenarios and examples…
1 . you could have a smaller flaccid penis than the man next to you, but have a larger erect penis size than him if you’re a grower
2 . you could have a larger flaccid penis than the man across from you, but have a similar or even smaller erect penis than your counterpart if you’re a shower.
This just goes to show that, as with all scenarios in life, you should never judge a book by its cover. So, don’t let this concern stop you from attending and experiencing what may potentially help you to actually overcome this complex. Remember, on the other end of limitation is liberation. Plus, the size of your penis won’t affect your yoga practice! So, regardless of the size of your penis, I would encourage you to come along to experience the plethora of benefits that yoga and social nudity has to offer.
And just as a disclaimer…my class is not full of males with extra large penises! Every penis size and shape is welcome!
+ I’m worried that I might get an erection…
This may or may not happen…and it comes down to the way in which you approach and handle the situation.
There is so much misperception, misunderstanding and stigma around erections. All this stigma and taboo comes down to a lack of awareness and education on the topic. So, let’s go over a few things to help reassure you…
First and foremost, erections are a very natural physiological phenomena for males. Simply put, erections are a phenomena whereby the arteries connected to the penis widen and allow for more bloodflow into the penis. The veins which carry the blood back into the body shrink and the penis then swells and stiffens…thus causing an erection.
Erections occur for various reasons…and whilst it is often the result of sexual arousal…not ALL erections are of a sexual nature. Men can, in fact, experience erections without being sexually aroused in the slightest.
Our subconscious (autonomic nervous system) is subdivided into ‘sympathetic' and ‘parasympathetic’. The sympathetic nervous system governs what is known as the ‘fight or flight response’, like when we perceive an outside threat for example. The parasympathetic nervous system governs what is known as the ‘rest and digest’ response, a state that meditation and yoga often induces…and! Erections are controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system! So on a physiological level, an erection is actually a relaxation of the blood vessels of the penis allowing them to fill with blood.
So, yes, erections can also occur during deep states of relaxation…without any mental, visual or physical stimulation (such as in Svasana at the end of yoga when you’re laying down with your eyes shut and not moving). In this sense, it is not so surprising or strange that some men experience erections when in this state of deep relaxation without feeling sexually aroused.
Anywhere from the sensation of your underwear on your penis, to rubbing against a yoga mat. Realistically, there may be some sensory stimulation during yoga. If an erection, on a physiological level (and very simply put) is a matter of blood flow, some yoga classes will get the heart rate up and the blood flowing, and so it may not be surprising that some men may experience an erection (or semi-erection) during the class…and that it totally fine! This, in itself, is not frowned upon.
Men can experience several erections during the night whilst they sleep, mostly in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of their sleep cycle, and these erections can last for extended periods of time…hence the reason many guys wake up with ‘morning glory’ even though they’ve not been sexually aroused or stimulated.
Male erections are so natural that male foetuses can actually start experiencing erections in the womb…that’s how early this natural phenomena can start occurring…and there’s nothing sexual about that!
In understanding that it can be a normal, natural and a somewhat unexpected occurrence (especially if you’re new to social nudity or yoga), and so long as you don’t make anyone else feel uncomfortable about it and conduct yourself respectfully…I believe that erections, in this case, do not need to be shamed.
We need to stop shaming and fearing erections as if they’re sinful and deviant…because this then creates even more of a complex around something so natural for men.
Remember, it is all in the way in which you approach and handle it.
We need to understand that most of society is still conditioned to equate nudity with sex…this might even include you! This conditioning, though, should not stop us from exploring non-sexual nudity, nor should it deflate our hopes of becoming discerning and separating the two.
We must also realise that social nudity is not a socially-accepted ‘norm’…just yet...I’m working on it! And because of this, many people have never really experienced social nudity and are new to the concept and lifestyle. As a result, the concept of non-sexual nudity may be a little challenging to grasp initially.
Given that so many of us may be new to social nudity (and have previously been conditioned to perceive nudity as sexual), I understand that this re-programming is a process…but we all have to start somewhere. That’s the beauty about non-sexual social nudity and the classes I offer…it gives you the opportunity to grasp, experience and embody this.
The more social nudity you integrate into your life, the more normalised nudity becomes and the less likely you are to be getting erections at the mere sight of a naked person…because we start to understand that nudity, in and of itself, is not necessarily sexual and is, indeed, very natural.
If you’re going to an event that involves non-sexual nudity…go there with the intent to respect that and act within the boundaries given. It is about understanding the intention with which a space has been created…context is key!
Should you get an erection, the important thing is that you don’t make anyone else feel uncomfortable about it and conduct yourself respectfully.
Now, all of this isn’t to say that you are bound get an erection. It is just the awareness around knowing what other factors may potentially contribute to getting an erection that are not necessarily sexual. In understanding all of this, hopefully it will help to remove some of the shame associated with erections and will help to ease any anxiety you have around potentially getting an erection during class :)
+ What do I do if I get an erection?
Conduct yourself respectfully, don’t make anyone feel uncomfortable and carry on.
It really is that simple!
Majority of the time, an erection will go away on its own, within a few minutes. If this happens to you and you feel a little awkward or embarrassed about it, I suggest just going down into child’s pose and focusing on your breathing for a few moments.
If this is a major concern for you coming into a class, I would suggest you just find a spot down the back somewhere where you may have a little more privacy.
Remember, the majority of my classes are held in the evenings by candlelight, so it is very dim in the first place…and no-one is watching out for your erection! Yoga is an inward journey, so essentially, we should be focusing on our breath, the practice and listening out for cues from the teacher for each of the poses…rather than focusing on other people… So, believe me, nobody in the class is paying as much attention to you as you might think.
+ Because it’s non-sexual nudity, I’m not allowed to be attracted to anyone?
Of course you can be!
Attraction is still normal in a non-sexual nude setting. We’re human after all! Attraction is human nature…but there is a difference between attraction and objectification and sexualisation. You can be attracted to people without objectifying them. You can appreciate someone’s beauty without sexualising them. You can be attracted to others whether you’re clothed or naked…BUT! Being naked does not mean you have permission to be creepy, perverted or inappropriate. Nudity is not consent. Just because there is nudity involved does not mean it is of an exhibitionist nature, nor does it mean that people are asking for sex, nor to be sexualised…make the distinction! Just as you would (hopefully) conduct yourself in a respectful manner when approaching attraction in a clothed setting, same goes for a naked setting. Boundaries and consent are still a must.
Nudity does not, and should never, disregard or compromise this.
+ Why are the events password-protected?
For safety and security reasons.
I have this in place to ensure quality attendees. Given the sensitive nature of such events, my students’ safety and security is my absolute priority.
I take very seriously the fact that people are entrusting me with their security in a rather vulnerable setting, and so I ensure privacy and discretion as to keep the location of the classes private until your booking is confirmed.
+ Why do I have to be verified to attend?
For me, its quality over quantity.
+ What is involved in the verification process?
It’s super simple and quick (and yes it’s free!).
Basically, you are required to verify your identity through my crew over at the ‘Young Nudists of Australia’…a progressive Australian Naturist movement group I trust and work closely with.
All that is needed is a copy of your Drivers License or Proof of Age card, along with a face photo with you holding your ID up…and voila! You’re verified :)
You will be added to the ‘Young Nudists of Australia’ private Facebook group where you are can be part of a community of like-minded nudies and stay up-to-date with upcoming nudie events and gatherings (including my naked yoga classes!). Everyone else in this group will have gone through the exact same verification process.
The Facebook group operates as a ‘secret’ group which ensures discretion as no friends, family, co-workers or potential employers can see your association to the group. You can be as active or inactive as you like within the group…your posts and likes within the group will not be posted or seen by anyone outside of the group.
*your information will never be used for any purpose other than this verification process.
+ Do I have to be in the group photos?
This is completely optional.
However, should you wish to be in a photo but remain anonymous, this is ok too. There are always options, but your request for anonymity is respected.
Soak up the ambience with these sounds.
Soak up the ambience of one of my magical mixed naked yoga classes as you allow the heavenly overtones of this enchanting playlist I have curated to transport you to a place of serenity. This is the playlist I have gently playing over the speakers when I greet and welcome my nude yogis into the studio.

“Start with courage, and the confidence will follow.”
— Jessa